Miyerkules, Enero 19, 2022

Puberty: Issues, Concerns, and How to Manage Them

Puberty: Issues, Concerns, and How to Manage Them

Puberty: Issues, Concerns, and How to Manage Them

In this lesson, you will demonstrate ways on how to manage puberty-related health issues and concerns.

You will also answer this question: How can you show empathy to those who are going through puberty-related health concerns?

Let's Get Ready

Share what you think about this quote: "You are no longer a child but not yet an adult.

Lets find out 

In this lesson, you will be able to do the following 

 Describe the common health issues and concerns during puberty. (H5GD-le-f-5

Practice proper self-care procedures. (H5GD-II-10)

Demonstrate ways to manage puberty-related health issues and concerns.

Accept that most of these concerns are normal consequences of bodily changes.


Demonstrate empathy for persons undergoing these concerns and problems.

Let's Go 

"Why have not I developed physically as fast as my friends?"

 "How do I know when I will start having my period?" 

"Do boys also have menstruation?"

"Why do I pee on the bed like my baby brother?" 

"Will I still have a baby even if I am not old enough to get married?"

These are some of the many questions that adolescents have. There is no best time to go through puberty and you will experience these changes when your body is ready. The passage from childhood to adulthood can be an awkward and confusing time but having the right information from trusted adults makes it easy. With these physical, emotional, and social changes, you will experience various puberty-related health issues and concerns.

Puberty-related Health Issues and Concerns

  1. Nutritional Issues

Your increase in appetite will make you crave for different kinds of food. While you are enjoying these, make sure you choose food and beverages that are not just filling but also nutritious. Use the nutritional guidelines for Filipinos your age, making sure you take the right amount of serving and a variety from each category. There are a lot of these so choose the ones that are fresh, safe, and reasonably priced.

  1. Mood Swings

The shifts in certain hormones will trigger feelings of restlessness, irritability, anxiety, excitement, happiness, and frustration. Mood swings can be frustrating to you and it also affects the people around you. While having mood swings is normal, apologize if you realized that you hurt someone with what you have said or done, then continue being emotionally healthy.

  1. Body Odor

With increased perspiration added with bacteria, you develop body odor. You can stop this stinky smell in your armpits or in other parts of your body by keeping clean. When this happens, continue having a regular bath using antibacterial soap. Applying deodorant or antiperspirant will help cut the sweat.

Do not let the sweat refrain you from working out or playing sports. Simply take a bath and wear clean clothes again after your PE class or when the weather is still very humid and makes you very sweaty and smelly.

  1. Oral Health Concerns 

Did you know that increased hormones also cause redness, bleeding, and swelling of gums? Adolescents also have a higher prevalence of gingivitis compared to children and adults. Cavities and bad breath can also happen. You can avoid these by brushing your teeth for 2 minutes using toothpaste with fluoride. Bring a dental kit in school and visit your dentist at least twice a year.

  1. Pimples or acne 

Another uncomfortable situation is having pimples or acne. These bumps on your face make it unpleasant to look at the mirror. And even if you are not looking at the mirror, you will still feel conscious about it. To keep your skin clean, wash your hands thoroughly, then apply facial wash. If the breakout is still out of hand, you can ask your parents or see a doctor.

  1. Poor Posture

Likee what you learned in your Physical Education class, posture not only helps you look good but also makes you feel good. Your back, neck, and other parts of your body do not get strained because you have an equal amount of body weight in your spine. Do not slouch or crane your neck like a chicken. Observing proper posture when you are sitting, sleeping, standing, and walking will make you feel comfortable and confident at the same time!

Girls who are self-conscious about their height and breasts have the tendency to slouch. If you know anyone who is going through this, do not tease. Instead, make her feel good about herself. Do the same for boys who are too tall compared to their friends.

  1. Menstruation-related Concern

During the menstrual period, some girls experience abdominal cramps or dysmenorrhea. This painful menstruation is caused by contractions of the uterus. Girls can take a warm bath then apply heating pad on their stomach while they sit or lie down. For severe cramps, the doctor can advise them on which medicine to take. Another discomfort can also happen before the menstrual period. This is called premenstrual syndrome or PMS. The change in hormone levels before the menstruation begins makes girls feel bloated, nervous, irritable, and have headaches.

  1. Early or Unwanted Pregnancy 

Puberty is not a single event. It is a long process that has been reached when males and females have the physical capability to reproduce. Early sexual involvement and sexual risk-taking behaviors put the youth at risk of early and unwanted pregnancy. It creates academic problems because the young mother or father will face the realities of being a parent. Some skip class while others drop out of school. They find it hard to juggle the challenges of adjusting to a new relationship, earning a living, and completing their education. This overwhelming responsibility is stressful to teenagers and may also affect their innocent baby.

  1. Sexual Harassment

Having a maturing reproductive system also puts adolescents at risk of sexual harassment. You need to distinguish good touch from bad touch. If it does not feel right, go with your gut feel and say "stop it!". Leave the place as soon as you can and tell a trusted adult immediately about that uncomfortable experience. Do not be afraid because you are a minor and it is your right to be protected.

Adolescence is a time of change. While you enjoy some privileges like being treated like an adult, you also need to remain curious and cautious about these changes in your body. You will experience emotional changes like doubts, fears, and anxieties but most adolescents overcome them eventually, thanks to the patience and understanding of your parents and teachers. With their basic knowledge of the reproductive system and how it works, they understand the effects of these changes on you. 

You too can show empathy or being aware of the feelings of others by giving them space when they need to be alone to think things through. When they are ready, you can talk to them about how they feel. If you need the help of trusted adults, go to them so that you can clarify your questions or concerns. Not being part of the teasing also shows empathy.

During adolescence, you will have increased feelings of independence and sexuality. Having a positive attitude will help you handle these changes.

How can you show empathy to those who are going through puberty-related health concerns?

Self-care and Management

These puberty-related health issues and concerns will make you realize that you have a responsibility to keep yourself clean, safe, and healthy.

Practice proper diet and exercise. Remember to keep clean by maintaining body and oral hygiene especially during menstruation or circumcision. Abstain from sexual activity to prevent sexually-transmitted infections. For girls, there are infections that are not related to sexual behavior but only a doctor can give proper treatment. Have monthly breast self-examination and have a yearly checkup of your reproductive system. Make it a point to practice these self-care procedures so that you will continue to grow up living clean, healthy, and safe.

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